You are here: Activity Management (Legacy) > Updating Visitor Statuses

Updating Visitor Statuses

If you are using Fellowship OneCheck-in during your services, you will notice that all visitors are entered in the database with the status New Checkin. It's important to understand that this is a System status is used exclusively by Fellowship One. The System status group is a bit different than one of your Member or Attendee statuses. There are actually three statuses assigned to visitors by various Fellowship One products: New Checkin, New from Website, and New from Small Group.

It's a good practice to update these system statuses on a regular basis. Instead of aSystem status, choose the visitor status your ministries use to follow-up with guests. There's a fast way to do this!

Note: In order to perform the following procedure, you will need the Mass Action and People Edit security rights.

To quickly update statuses

  1. Click People> Search > People Query to display the People Query Builder.
  2. Select the following from the search fields:
  3. Click Run. A list of people who have the New Checkin status appear.
  4. Select the check box in the header row to select all records.
  5. Click the Actions gear at the bottom of the list and select Perform a mass action. The Prepare Mass Action form appears.
  6. Select Change individual status from the What action do you want to take? drop-down list.
  7. Optionally, change Name this action so it is easy to find later to a name that makes sense to you. For example, New Checkin to Visitor.
  8. Select the following:
  9. Click Review the proposed mass action. The Confirm Mass Action details appear.
  10. If you are satisfied with your changes, click Make these changes. The request will move to the Mass Action Queue where it will process. Check the status anytime by clicking People > Data Integrity > Mass Action Queue.